Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Concept 40 #1

In Toy Story 3 all the toys want to go with him to college. He can't take them all so he decides to only take Woody. They get misplaced and the mom takes them to school to be donated. They all think it was in purpose and don't want to go back. At the end they go back and instead of going to the college as they wanted, they got to go with a nice girl that attended the school.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Concept 35 #s 1-3

1.) Harry potter 10
Star wars 9
2.) Harry potter was 10. If i was in his position i would try the same thing.
3.) I jumped for the soccer ball in a corner kick and the defender pushed me. It was an outcome for the team because it was a penalty. I scored the goal so it was good for the team. Yes it was worth it because we got a goal for our team and all that happend was that I fell.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Concept 34 #2

If I could have any power I wanted I would pick to have Teleporting powers. Something a nemesis can do to stop someone that can teleport is putting a tracker in them then just killing them once you find them.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Structure of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

I preffer the movie to be in chronological just because I understand them better. If the movie is non linear and I understand what's going on I like it, but I didn't really understand the beginning of this movie so I didn't understand most of it.

Concept 31 #1

Twilight: Breaking dawn. No inciting incedent.
Toy story 3: The toys are use to being played with but andy goes to college so he can't play with them any more.
Ground hog day: He does the news everyday. Then he does nice things for people and it changes the routine.

Concept 32 #3

I would show an example of someones possessions being lost and our company giving them money for losing it. For example they will sign up fo it and pay a certain amount of money and we approve what we can replace and what we can't. After that they show us something damaged it or proof its lost and well replace it.

Concept 33 #1

Yes. People have opened the door for me and it makes me want to open the door for other people when I can.